Superficies y Vacío

Current Issue

Vol. 38 (2025)
Published January 28, 2025

Superficies y Vacío is an international journal that publishes researh articles in the field of Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum, in English and in Spanish, having a double blind peer review process. It is indexed at SciELO, Latindex and SJR.

Research Papers

Cristian Felipe Cruz García, M. A. Garcia, E. Flores-Romero, J. Rickards, L. R. de la Vega, J. Cañetas-Ortega, J. G. Morales-Morales, L. Rodríguez-Fernández
Self-organized gold nanoparticles on SiO2 surface nanopatterns induced by MeV ion implantation
Diana Elizabeth Ortega Martínez, Ricardo Agustín-Serrano, Felipe Caballero-Briones, F. Chalé-Lara, C. Guarneros-Aguilar
Structural and optical characterization of WO3 and WO3/rGO nanocomposites synthesized by a simple chemical method
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Superficies y Vacío (p-ISSN: 1665-3521) is an international journal that publishes researh articles in the field of Surfaces, Materials and Vacuum, in English and in Spanish, having a peer review process. It is indexed at SciELO, Latindex and SJR.

Published documents are Open Access, distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license