This paper presents the implementation of Z-scan technique using NI cRIO 9074 system to characterize different types of nanofluids and films. This technique was implemented in the Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico. For this experiment a chassis NI cRIO9074 of National Instruments, a linear translation stage NRT150E and a stepper motor controller BSC203 were used, both of Thorlabs. Three steps were followed for this implementation first, the connection between NI cRIO9074 and BSC203 controller. Second, the program on LabVIEW construction. Finally, all optic part of the z-scan technique implementation. This implementation can be used to characterize relatively thin (< 5mm) optical materials. The system testing was done with gold nanoparticles. The results showed the nonlinear optical properties of this sample. The main advantages of using this system is the accuracy and spent minor time on measurements, in comparison to manual systems.References
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