Spherically symmetric model of the photoacoustic signal in the temporal domain produced by micrometric objects: the case of melanoma cells in vitro
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cancer cells
numerical solution
single cell
monolayer. Fotoacústica
Células cancerosas
Solución numérica
Una célula

How to Cite

Pérez Solano, R., Gutiérrez Juárez, G., & Polo Parada, L. (2012). Spherically symmetric model of the photoacoustic signal in the temporal domain produced by micrometric objects: the case of melanoma cells in vitro. Superficies Y Vacío, 25(2), 75-81. Retrieved from https://superficiesyvacio.smctsm.org.mx/index.php/SyV/article/view/207


An analytical solution for the photoacoustic pressure generated by spherically symmetric objects was obtained by considering decay in the absorbed energy density by unit of time in accordance with Lambert – Beer law. Then the solution was expressed in terms of the Kirchhoff equation. Using the resulting equation, and considering that in biological tissues the dominant mechanism is the thermo elastics expansion, we analyze the expected behavior of the photoacoustic pressure generated by melanoma cell in vitro. We compare the photoacoustic signal generated by one, two and a cell monolayer. Finally, we evaluated our analytical results with the experimental obtained previously [1, 2], showing a good qualitative concordance between theory and experiment.

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