Nowadays, starch is an excellent biodegradable option instead of synthetic polymers, to avoid contamination. In this work, triticale starch from three varieties (Faraón, Peteroa and Aguacero) was isolated and the physico-chemical and thermo-rheological properties were evaluated. Also, mechanical properties of thermoplastic films using this starch were assessed. From the physico-chemical analysis it was found that the moisture, protein and lipids contents were slightly different among starches. Amylose value was similar. Thermo-rheological behavior measured by Mixolab® revealed that initial water uptake was higher for Faraón variety due to the grain morphology observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Values for gelatinization temperature obtained were 82.2 °C for Faraón starch, followed by Peteroa (72.0 °C) and finally Aguacero (65.6 °C). From the mechanical properties, Faraón thermoplastic starch (TPS) films showed the highest value of Young’s modulus (1.90 ± 1.09 MPa) for the composition 50/25/25 (starch/glycerol/water). The highest elongation at break (64.77 ± 14.14 %) was obtained for Peteroa composition 50/35/15 (starch/glycerol/water). Then, triticale mainly used to feed animals more than for human consumption, could be good alternative for preparing biodegradable films with potential applications in agriculture and food packaging.
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