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Directrices para autores/as

Please, send a letter of presentation of your paper containing the e-mail and a contact phone of the author for correspondence. Please include the names and e-mail address of at least three possible reviewers of your paper. Submit manuscripts for revision in the standard format as indicated below. 
• Manuscripts must be written in English or Spanish
• Formatted to fit a letter size paper using 12 point Times New Roman font
• Saved as a .doc file
• Double-spaced
• Single column
• Word count around 6000-8000, with each figure or table counting as 250 words. Contributions are accepted on the understanding that the authors have obtained the necessary authorization for publication. Submission of an article implies that no Copyright will be infringed. Upon acceptance of an article, the authors will be asked to transfer Copyright of the article to the publisher.
Title page. Papers should include a concise but informative title followed by the name(s) of the author(s) and by the name and address of the laboratories/institutions where the work was carried out. The name and complete address of the person to whom proofs are to be sent must be given including e-mail and telephone number. Acronyms are not allowed in the title. Abstract. An abstract should be included, giving a brief and factual account of the contents and conclusions of the paper as well as an indication of any new information presented and its relevance. The abstract must be self-contained, and reference to formulae, equations or references that appear in the text is not permissible. All papers shall include an abstract in English. The abstract is limited to 200 words. Keywords. Please supply at least three, and up to six, keywords of your own choice that describe the content of your article in more detail. Introduction. State the aims of the work or purpose of the research, describe the background summarizing what has already been written on the subject and indicate why the work is important. Material and methods. Describe with sufficient detail what kinds of experimental or theoretical methods were used Results and Discussion. Organize and summarize the data collected as result of the experimentation, including a discussion of the authors’ interpretation of their data. Conclusions. State the major findings as well as the implications of the results Acknowledgments. References. The references are included at the end of the article, and numbered in the order of their appearance in the paper. Numerals are given in square brackets [ ]. In the list of references the names and initials of all authors must be included, and periodicals [1], books [2] and multi-authors books [3] should be cited in accordance with the following examples: [1] D. W. Tu and A. Kahn, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 3, 922(1984). [2] A. Roth, Vacuum Technology, 3rd ed. (North- Holland, Amsterdam, 1990). [3] V. Celli, in: Dynamical Properties of Solids, Vol. 6, Eds. G.K. Horton and A.A. Maradudin (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1990) p. 337. Each reference should be complete, thus the use of ibid., idem, et al., etc. is not permitted. References to unpublished or not readily accessible reports should be avoided. Symbols, Formulae and Equations. Symbols, formulae and equations must be consistent with standard usage. Numerals referring to equations shall be enclosed in parentheses. Tables. Tables are typed in double-line spacing on separate sheets and provided with a suitable heading and referred in the text using Arabic numerals. Each table must include a title explaining the general meaning of the data. Figures. Figures are numbered in the same order that they appear in the text and their captions listed together at the end of the manuscript. All figures must be clearly referred in the text. Characters in illustrations must use fonts large enough to be legible after reduction in the printed manuscript. It is recommendable to verify this by reducing the figures to a width of 8.5 cm. Preparation of figures. Format: The figures must be sent in TIF or EPS format. Resolution: Line drawings and graphs must have a resolution of at least 1200 dpi and a minimum width of 3 inches. Photographs and micrographs must have resolution of at least 350 dpi and a minimum width of 3 inches. For all figures the maximum width is 6 inches.

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