The main purpose of the present study was to characterize the juice and rind of the Persian lime (Citrus latifolia) with different quality of samples, by means of the Photoacoustic Spectroscopy (PAS) technique. In agreement to the Mexican quality standards, the samples under study were classified into four degrees of quality i.e. Extra, Second, Third and Waste classes. We have used PAS to characterize the optical properties of each one of the samples. Thus, we have obtained the absorption spectra of the juice as well as in that part of the rind called flavedo. After that, using another different photoacoustic configuration, we have measured the water vapor permeability of the albedo; i.e. the innermost, white and spongy layer of the rind. Our results show that PAS is a reliable technique to get the grading quality of samples in situ of fresh fruits such as Persian limes by means of the study of some of their physical properties.References
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